If you don’t know what this site is all about, please click on About rimdog under the “New to Rimdog?” menu on the right for more info!
1. Logging In
If this is your first time visiting rimdog.com, the first thing you need to do is Log in. You’ll need the Username and Password that was sent to you. If you did not receive a Username and Password, please contact us.
To Log in, scroll down to until you see “Meta” in a sidebar along the right-hand side of your screen:
…and then click on the “Log in” link. If this does not say “Log in” (but rather says “Log out”), then you are already logged into rimdog.com, and may skip the rest of this step!
Clicking on this “Log in” link will take you away from this tutorial; that’s okay, just read through it so you have an overview of how to log in first, and you can always return to this page by clicking on “Newcomers Please Click Here!” under the “Pages” sidebar to pick up where you left off.
Once you have clicked on the “Log in” link, you’ll be taken to a page that asks you for your Username and Password:
Enter the Username and Password that you were given. IMPORTANT: All user names and passwords are all lower case, and contain no spaces. Then check the “Remember Me” checkbox (so you won’t have to log in again from this computer), and click on the Log In button. You’re in!
If you get an error message, double-check that the user name and password you’ve entered is correct. If you still cannot log in, try clicking on the “Lost your password?” link to have your Username and Password mailed to you; if you continue to have problems logging in, please contact us.
Congratulations! You are now logged onto rimdog.com and can see private posts and information. Please read on through the rest of this introduction to learn more.
2. Registering For a Game
We will post a new topic for each upcoming game (typically a week in advance of the game). You will be notified via email when a new topic is posted, at which time you can come to rimdog.com at your leisure, and let us know if you’ll be attending the game or not.
Letting us know whether you’ll be attending a game or not is easy! Just scroll down until you see the “Upcoming Events” sidebar on the right, then click on the name of the game in question:
…and then to register that you’re coming to the game, just to indicate your status for the game:
…and it will automatically add you to the appropriate list, and change the display to reflect your current status.
If you have other discussion about this game, scroll down to the bottom of the page, then in the “Leave a reply” box at the bottom of the page, type in whatever message you like, and then click on the “Submit Comment” button. You’ll see the page refresh with your newly added comment visible.
The place to post comments about the games or looks like this (though this graphic is scaled down slightly):
Please post about attending games (or not) only on “Upcoming Events” posts, which will all be marked with this graphic at the top:
We’ll keep the main topic updated with a running tally of who has said that they are coming and who is not, so that you’ll know how large the game will be, and who will be there in advance.
Even if you’re unsure if you can attend, please do leave a post letting us know. Better to have some idea of your intentions than silence!
3. Staying in Touch
While you can use this web site to stay in touch with other rimdog players, we’ve also compiled a list of names and phone numbers of players, as well as location information for game sites.
You can access these by clicking on the appropriate link under the “Pages” sidebar, or by using the links below:
4. Have Fun!
That’s it for now! Rimdog.com is still in its infancy, but hopefully it will serve as a useful communications tool. There will also be posts with general news, updates on the renovation of Rimdog Barn into a poker room, etc. so check back on our site often, and add it to your web browser Shorcuts!
Also if you ever get lost, you can always return to the main home page for rimdog.com by clicking on the “rimdog” text in the graphic at the top of each page: